Showing posts with label JOB Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOB Report. Show all posts

Thursday 4 June 2015

Indian Professionals are on demand abroad

Foreign companies are increasingly turning to India to find the right talent for e-commerce, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, analytics, big data and healthcare. - Indian Professionals Are On Demand

Monday 25 May 2015

BFSI is flooded with JOBs

Team expansions across the board in the BFSI space after a long gap of 3-4 years. Two new banking licenses given to IDFC and Bandhan will also create plenty of job opportunities. - Banking JOBs

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Male Boss Or Female Boss? What's your opinion?

Junior, entry and middle-level employees say they prefer male bosses, senior professionals, especially with over 20 years of experience, prefer having a female boss, reveals the survey.What is your preference Male Boss or Female Boss?

Monday 18 May 2015

Hiring Challenges Up! Talent Shortage!

Talent shortages are hurting their businesses, said 9% of Indian employers.When it comes to proactively tackling this situation, 35% of employers are doing so, up from 27% a year ago. Talent shortage

Monday 11 May 2015

Thursday 7 May 2015

8 Million Jobs in Realty Sector by 2022

The demand of skilled employment in the sector arises due to demand for affordable housing which is expected to increase to 38 million from 29 million (present) by 2030.

Jobs in Realty Sector

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Motivate Your Employee & Reduce The Attrition Rate

Corporate have, however, woken up to the fact that their focus cannot be only on the riches but need to acknowledge an employee's career advancement.

CEOs/ CXOs now-a-days often starts speaking about the same on different events, this may seems to be slow process but its helping the organizations across industries to resolve the attrition rate(s) and stay focused on their talent retention.

Employee Motivation Factors

Monday 4 May 2015

Talent Shortage in Banking Sector

"Large pool of jobs is expected to be created wherein the maximum number of the jobs will include the bottom of the pyramid, but yes existing banking and financial professionals will get recruited by the new players so the attrition will get added another 15-20 per cent for current companies." 

BFSI Attrition Will Rise

Thursday 30 April 2015

Looking For JOB Change?

The average salary of an entry level field officer from a top social work school is Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per annum. Looking for a change in your career, then read this out.

CSR the next job for you

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Is it talent acquisition or short of talent in our era?