Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Male Boss Or Female Boss? What's your opinion?

Junior, entry and middle-level employees say they prefer male bosses, senior professionals, especially with over 20 years of experience, prefer having a female boss, reveals the survey.What is your preference Male Boss or Female Boss?

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Motivate Your Employee & Reduce The Attrition Rate

Corporate have, however, woken up to the fact that their focus cannot be only on the riches but need to acknowledge an employee's career advancement.

CEOs/ CXOs now-a-days often starts speaking about the same on different events, this may seems to be slow process but its helping the organizations across industries to resolve the attrition rate(s) and stay focused on their talent retention.

Employee Motivation Factors

Friday 24 April 2015

Monday 20 April 2015

Why do we need to focus on "Education"? Watch this video! Which explains a lot about our future and growth as a whole.

Self-employment continues to dominate, with a 52.2 per cent share in total employment with significant share of workers engaged in low-income-generation activities, the economic survey added. 

Skill Development Programs will be the major challenge to secure the fate of employment in India.

Skill Development, Job Creation!

Thursday 16 April 2015

Look at the way the hiring industry changing the buzz. LinkedIn in association with MTV. An unique way to conduct interview and market your brand.

"There is a huge war for talent," said Anuja Sivaram, head of operations at CodeNation. The era of talent war, has begun, as expected, there will be more short fall of talents, since organizations are only focusing in to top B-Schools. 

Do you think, the trend of hiring is moving in to the right direction?

Tuesday 14 April 2015

City wise analysis shows that all metro cities registered an increase in hiring activity in March 2015 in comparison to March 2014. Pune led the pack with a Y-o-Y growth of 17 per cent in hiring activity in the March 2015, followed by Delhi and Mumbai. 

YTD, MTD, QTD, YOY Update your knowledge on Hiring Industry

Monday 13 April 2015

As per the JOB posted through different JOB portals across industry across India; the trend is showing Transportation Industry took the lead with 62%, followed through Real Estate Industry with 32% and majorly effected Industry is Education Sector with (-8%) putting it at the end of the list. And Region wise, Northern India took a step ahead of Southern part followed through Western India and East as always on the least.

Regional improvement is still need to be focused, till date there is no sign of improvement on the eastern part of India as compare to the others.

Employment Trend March 2015 (Base - JOB Posting)

Thursday 9 April 2015

Self - assessment is very necessary at any given point of time; when you know you have a long way to go and build your-self at par the future expectations which has to be inclined with your organizations' goal as well as individuals responsibility.

Test your current professional involvement by answering these questions provided in these link, which will surely benefit you to upgrade yourself and would help you to take the right decision.

Professional Self-assessment Link



Campus 2 Corporate,
Mumbai, India