Showing posts with label India Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India Marketing. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Motivate Your Employee & Reduce The Attrition Rate

Corporate have, however, woken up to the fact that their focus cannot be only on the riches but need to acknowledge an employee's career advancement.

CEOs/ CXOs now-a-days often starts speaking about the same on different events, this may seems to be slow process but its helping the organizations across industries to resolve the attrition rate(s) and stay focused on their talent retention.

Employee Motivation Factors

Monday 27 April 2015

Is Social Media Marketing, helping your business?

Is Social Media Marketing really helping your business? Listen to Mahesh Murthy; it may change your thought process about marketing through Social Media. And let me know what is your view about Social Media Marketing? Regards. Somnath Roy

Though you may like it!